June 8, 2022

Surrogacy and Domestic Regulation and International Conflicts

João Perry da Câmara was a speaker at the III AIJUDEFA International Congress

João Perry da Câmara, partner at Rogério Alves & Associados, was a speaker at the III International Congress of AIJUDEFA - International Association of Family Law Jurists, which took place on May 25, 26 and 27 in Seville.

Under the heading of “Legal Security and International Families”, the Congress was attended by lawyers, jurists, and magistrates from 27 different jurisdictions, and 52 speakers.

“Affiliation by surrogacy and national regulation and international conflicts”, was the theme chosen by João Perry of the Chamber: where he highlighted the Portuguese legislative reality and the two recent legislative amendments to Law No. 32/2006, of July 26 - the Medically Assisted Procreation Act, the penultimate amendment - Law No. 72/2021, of November 12 - allowed the use of medically assisted procreation techniques through insemination after the death of the donor, in the case of expressly consented parenting projects. The last amendment - Law No. 90/2021, of December 16, came into force on January 1, 2022, and is still awaiting government regulation.

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Jornal Diurna
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