June 23, 2024

João Perry da Câmara Spoke as Guest Speaker at the V Congress of AIJUDEFA


João Perry da Câmara, founding partner of Rogério Alves & Associados, and responsible for the Family and Succession area, was a guest speaker at the V Congress of AIJUDEFA - Ibero-American Association of Family Law Jurists.
Thus, on June 14th, he participated in the panel entitled Sherlock Holmes: Obtaining Information for a Specific Family, Civil, or Criminal Case, focusing his intervention on “preparing the valuation of the parties' assets and their location”, which also involves matters relating to “how movable and immovable property, investments and property interests are located in projects and pensions”.

The conference took place between June 11th - 15h, in Porto.


Rogério Alves Addresses the Topic of Criminal Appeals

Jornal Diurna
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